This appraisal or report is subject to the terms and conditions stated herein, and expresses no warranties. If Independent Laboratories, LLC (i-Labs)has prepared an estimated insurance replacement value for your item, any use of this value other than the stated purpose shall render the document null and void. If no value is stated the is an information or inspection report to be used for the purpose of identification.

The inspection date is the effective date. Any insurance values expressed are determined at that time using standard industry practices by relying on price guides to determine any value stated, along with those of industry experts and those derived through consultation. No taxes are added.

A minimum of two gemologists, using generally accepted rules, instruments and techniques of iLabs performed the inspection to determine the values, or to state the identification. All statements are true to the best of the gemologist’s knowledge, and are bona fide opinions. Both the gemologist and iLabs have no interest in the item in either the past, present or future.

iLabs and its employees and agents shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense resulting from any error in or omission from this report, or from the issuance of or use of this report , even if the loss, damage or expense was caused by or resulted from the negligence or other fault (except fraud, willful misconduct, or gross negligence) of iLabs or any of its employees or agents, and in the event, iLabs, its employees and agents shall not be liable for special or consequential damages resulting from any error in or omission from or for the issuance of or use of or use of this report or indiscretion caused by the acts of others, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. The liability of iLabs in the event of any claim by a client or third party shall be limited to the fee for that report or service.

The grading results of any examination performed may differ depending upon (i) when, how and by whom the item is examined and (ii) the changes and improvements in techniques and equipment that may have occurred which may enable the examiner to detect among other things, the use of process for altering the characteristics of a stone or stones, which use was previously undetectable by iLabs or alterations which became reversible, even if the process remains undetectable.

The trademark, service mark, logo, words or other symbols of an inscription or engraving, other than iLabs report number, or iLabs trademark, service mark or logo are solely determined by an attributable to the client and are neither attribuable to nor an indication of any determination by iLabs.

Clarity enhanced diamonds are filled with a substance that is light and heat sensitive. Cleaning processes may result in damage or loss of the filler. All grades are descriptive of the stone with the filler in face up position. If the filler is removed the clarity grades decline by one to two grades.

Evaluation of colored gemstones may include determination of any treatment. For information regarding “standard” treatments see GemStone section of website.  The term “Natural” means the origin of the stone is from the Earth and not grown in a Laboratory. “Natural” does not refer to the nature or source of the color. Most gemstones are treated to enhance their color.

Photography supplied is for reference purposes only and may not be your individual item.

Standard Techniques Use:    

Computer Aided Measuring Devices   

Electronic Balance

Binocular Microscope

hortwave and Long wave Fluorescent Light

Triplet loupe   

Master Comparison Diamonds

Millimeter Gauge

Laser Inscription

Diamond Screening



Advanced Techniques Use:


FTIR Ultraviolet Spectrum

Visual Spectrum

Exa Testing Equipment

Proprietary Equipment